Wednesday, July 28

I really shouldn't give up.

DeVotchKa- How It Ends
it makes the Heidi Fleiss documentary interesting in the beginning and works perfectly. The actual music is terrible and evokes absolutely no connection. Dramatic strings are a lazy act that needs to be fixed. Pay the money for the music and people might actually watch your movie.

Thursday, July 22

Lala Killed my Blog

It did. There were amazing links, then the website disappeared.
The world has lost a good friend in Lala..

Monday, April 26

Rule of Thirds

Don't be the third.

It seems that many New York based indie bands have continued to discover the beauty and money behind giving song rights to ad campaigns, television shows, and movies. As their music reaches the market, the song becomes more popular, but this is a process.
The first time the song appears it is probably well know among a certain fan base of the band.
By the second people begin to think "Oh, that's that song from _____. I love that song!"
The third time a song is used, it is almost dead.
The trend follows the same pattern of any product, but it still has the ability to improve. Right now the trend starts at the early majority, progresses to the majority, and then moves to the late majority. The only improvement to this system would be getting songs from the early adopters group. This work has already been started by groups like Chop Shop (run by Alexandra Patsavus-- see sidebar for website)

Now here's an example, based on the use of Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear

#1 The Window - How I Met Your Mother (Season 5 Epsiode 10)

If your bored, watch the whole thing; it's entertaining enough. To see where Two Weeks is used, skip to the 18 minute mark.
At this point, it is used almost wholly because it has just introduced to a new audience- very well used.

#2 VW Commercial

Car commericals, good for classic rock and indie music.
Honestly, the song is a little too quite, but there is a possibility it will be recognized. It was also a super bowl commercial, so it is still pulling attention from good places

#3 The Deep End of the Pool- Parenthood

Wednesday, February 17

New Trend in Music Supervision.

I like to call it "the obvious"
You take a concept from what you're selling, find a word you can work with or a concept, and then find a song that obviously targets that word or value. The Burn Notice commercial is an example of what I call "word obvious"

The Dante's Inferno commercial for the Super Bowl would be what I call a "concept obvious"
The commercial even makes the concept more obvious with the girl falling into the pits of hell in the beginning of the commercial.

Also, I would like to change this blog into a comment on Music Supervision blog, with my own terms/opinions about Music Supervision. This would be done by discussing good and bad music supervision and what can be done differently in the field.

I am no professional, I only know what my personal feelings are. Take it as you see it, a teenager thinking they know best.

Wednesday, January 6

2009, a revisit and rememberance.

So I had my favorite albums of the year and than albums that should simply be mentiond for either their message or impact; which, as the year is reviewed, makes these pieces seem more and more like important works in the year.

One of those is the Happiness Project by Charles Spearin.
Interviews/audio clips with jazz instrumentation over it. It's not music as much as it is an audio documentary.

The other is YΔCHT in all it's glory.
I have fallen for YΔCHT and their mission, message, and even tatoos.
check out
also See Mystery Lights

That is all. Thank you 2009 for these things.

Tuesday, December 29

My Favorite Albums of 2009

Because I do not feel I am someone who should be evaluating music as if I were a professional I will only give you a list of my favorite albums of the year, instead of "The Best Albums of the Year." This distinction will prevent anyone from telling me I suck, because I'm only telling you what my favorite albums were opposed to what I think the Best Albums of the Year are and will be in several other locations. Hope you enjoy a few of my favorite things.

1. The Dirty Projectors- Bitte Orca

No singles from this album got on my top singles of the year list mostly because I could not separate any song from this album, even though Stillness is the Move has been highly recognized as a very important song in this year, and even decade. The whole album has been playing on my iPod and in my mind since the beginning of the year. The vocals continuously amaze me, and the simple structure, but complex sound of the songs make it my favorite album of the year.

2. Fol Chen- Part 1: "John Shade, Your Fortune's Made"

Highly unrecognized as a mentionable album this year, I was actually able to out listen this 41 minute album with continual listens in July. Although I did grow a little tired of it, I probably still invested those 41 minutes weekly to the album. Maybe they should go on an American tour next time to get more pull in the States.. Europe gets all the good tours anyway.

3. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion

Simply a well done album. Although Animal Collective has several other very well done albums, the fact that this album was able to appeal to a more mainstream audience makes it one of the best albums of the year and one of my favorite. These layered and textured songs are catchy while still remaining intact with the nature of the band that made them.

4. The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love

Shara Worden makes everything better. With her voice as the wicked Queen in the Decemberists concept album about love in a mystical world, this album definitely deserves a place among my favorite albums of the year. Even with the albums obvious progressive rock influences, which usually bother me to no end, the albums message, story, and execution make the sounds fit right in. Also, the album live is amazing. The enthusiasm of the two female vocalists along with the all of the Decemberists' ability as live musicians, I would be remiss to not mention them and recognize that they were on of my favorite albums of the year.

5.Grizzly Bear- Veckatimest

Easily the best album of the year, it wasn't my favorite album. There is plenty of disconnect in the album between songs. At least for me. Every individual song is my favorite song ever in the world times a billion, but the whole album as a fluent motion didn't strike me as deserving top three, just top five. You will see this on almost everyone's best of the year, because I think it was the best album of the year based on musical talent, structure, and production. It still wasn't my favorite.

6. The Antlers- Hospice

Haunting and in the most awful way related to my life this year, Hospice truly has been adopted by the fans of Peter Silberman's lyrics and terribly accurate portrayal of the feelings expressed in such a process. The process is that of helping someone struggle with cancer, allowing yourself to accept their acceptance of death, and moving on. As the term "hospice" becomes immediately related to the hard struggles of cancer this album has become universal in it's storytelling and empathetic in it's message.

7. Micachu & The Shapes - Jewellery

Not only does Mica Levi's guitar amaze me, the sounds she gets out of her guitar amazes me. The incorporation of sounds also makes it one of my favorite albums and her uncommon voice as well. I was inches from seeing her live, and am sad I missed it. Someday I will see her guitar and the sounds she gets out of it and will fall in love all over again. Until then, this album is short at 31 minutes, so turn of the TV and listen to Micachu instead.

8. St. Vincent - Actor

Marry Me was easily my favorite album in 2007. In 2009 St. Vincent almost did it again. With a resemblance to little orphan Annie, Annie Clark got out of the orphanage (Marry Me) and used Daddy Warbucks' money and influence to get production help for Actor. The results are a fantastic album filled with only more of what you could have wanted from St. Vincent. Her voice and guitar are still the highlight of the album, but they get a little boost from some processed horns and the crisp editing the money from a good first album gives you.

9. M. Ward - Hold Time

With a little more of a cheery outlook on life (possibly from closely working with Zooey Deschanel) M. Ward's Hold Time is exactly what I wanted to hear from him after the successful She & Him album Volume One. Maybe this will carry on into She & Him Volume Two which will feature more M. Ward singing.

10. Bruce Peninsula - A Mountain is a Mouth

Harmonies, they are particularly one of my favorite things ever. Bruce Peninsula is a 10 + piece band lead by a vocal Matt Cully acting as the primary lead singer, their first full length album just gets me more excited for their next album. Also when a bands short bio is this: "A belly is meant to bellow. A mouth is made to sing. A loose congregation of gut-singers mingles with a wide-eyed rock band, mining the depths of folk, prog and soul music." They are automatically loved.

Saturday, December 19

Singles of 09

The top 10 singles of 09.. the whole album is good too, in most instances, but these singles are stand outs.

The most lasting song of the year. I've had it stuck in my head since I got a live recording of it in January.

It made me love the band.

Ok, so it's not unique, but it's catchy as hell, and I still can't stop singing it.

According to my iPod I listened to this song 295 times this year. I spent more than two thirds of my year with this song.

Sufjan's record label caught a good one.

Sufjan can do no wrong.

Oh girl guy duo's.. this song is coy as Andrew Marvell's mistress.

I would be forsaken by many if this was not included in this list.

Just, amazing.

Canadian's in Germany create the most catchy song of 2009.. you just might not want it there. I still love it, despite some of my friends wanting to strangle me for ever putting it on a mix for them.